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Power Outage FAQs
IPL's distribution system is a designed around proven standards and our infrastructure is very well maintained. You may have experienced an outage because of adverse weather conditions, i.e., wind, rain, lightening, snow and/or ice. No distribution system can avoid all outages. We know you depend on us to provide you with reliable power and we take this responsibility very seriously. More information on IPL's reliability.
Why is it important that IPL have my current phone number?
If we have your phone number in our system, we can speed repair to your home or business when there is an outage through our Outage Self-Reporting System. Learn more.
Does IPL haul away tree limbs during storm restoration?
During storm restoration,, IPL crews have two objectives: to correct unsafe conditions and to restore your electricity as quickly as possible. As they work to repair damage, crews may need to clear branches and trees to maintain safe operating conditions and to restore service. Because of the urgent nature of this work, crews will not clean up debris caused by storms and other outages. Removal of the debris is the responsibility of the property owner. The Department of Public Works will pick up limbs that are wrapped in 3-foot bundles on your regular heavy trash pick-up day.
If I have damage to my outside electrical equipment, who repairs it?
Customers are responsible for repairs to the home's weatherhead, conduit, meter base and service line anchors. These repairs require the services of a licensed electrician. IPL is responsible for repairs to the electric meter and the service line that runs from the pole to your house. If the overhead electric service line to your home appears damaged or broken, call IPL at (317) 261-8111 immediately.
If the weatherhead, conduit, meter base or service line anchors are damaged call a licensed electrician. If you need a new meter base, IPL will supply one to your electrician free of charge. Above all, don't touch any of the equipment or limbs touching the equipment, or try to make the repairs yourself.
Will IPL reimburse me for any personal losses I may have incurred in my home as a result of an outage due to adverse weather?
IPL employs a damage claims process similar to insurance companies. However, IPL does not make restitution for losses incurred as a result of weather-related outages. The correct method to address personal losses in your home resulting from weather-related incidents is through your homeowner or renter insurance.
What are the priorities for service restoration?
IPL's priorities for storm restoration are intended to emphasize health, safety and essential community services and to restore service in a manner that will affect the greatest number of customers first, then smaller numbers. IPL's priorities are:
Why is it important that IPL have my current phone number?
If we have your phone number in our system, we can speed repair to your home or business when there is an outage through our Outage Self-Reporting System. Learn more.
Does IPL haul away tree limbs during storm restoration?
During storm restoration,, IPL crews have two objectives: to correct unsafe conditions and to restore your electricity as quickly as possible. As they work to repair damage, crews may need to clear branches and trees to maintain safe operating conditions and to restore service. Because of the urgent nature of this work, crews will not clean up debris caused by storms and other outages. Removal of the debris is the responsibility of the property owner. The Department of Public Works will pick up limbs that are wrapped in 3-foot bundles on your regular heavy trash pick-up day.
If I have damage to my outside electrical equipment, who repairs it?

Customers are responsible for repairs to the home's weatherhead, conduit, meter base and service line anchors. These repairs require the services of a licensed electrician. IPL is responsible for repairs to the electric meter and the service line that runs from the pole to your house. If the overhead electric service line to your home appears damaged or broken, call IPL at (317) 261-8111 immediately.
If the weatherhead, conduit, meter base or service line anchors are damaged call a licensed electrician. If you need a new meter base, IPL will supply one to your electrician free of charge. Above all, don't touch any of the equipment or limbs touching the equipment, or try to make the repairs yourself.
Will IPL reimburse me for any personal losses I may have incurred in my home as a result of an outage due to adverse weather?
IPL employs a damage claims process similar to insurance companies. However, IPL does not make restitution for losses incurred as a result of weather-related outages. The correct method to address personal losses in your home resulting from weather-related incidents is through your homeowner or renter insurance.
What are the priorities for service restoration?
IPL's priorities for storm restoration are intended to emphasize health, safety and essential community services and to restore service in a manner that will affect the greatest number of customers first, then smaller numbers. IPL's priorities are:
· Emergency police and fire department requirements.
· Initial clearing of main transmission lines that carry bulk electrical power, as well as substations that facilitate the long-distance transportation of power from various generating sources. These IPL facilities must be given first priority or there would be no way to get power from the generating units to the population centers and ultimately the end-users.
· Repair of main distribution lines (called feeders) and service to essential customers â€' those facilities that are essential to the health, safety and welfare of the community.
· Restoration of selected distribution lines where it is possible to energize large groups of customers by making minor repairs.
· Block by block restoration of remaining power lines. As IPL gets to neighborhood and individual service assessments, customers will be provided a note (door hanger), as appropriate, regarding special problems that may require the services of an electrician before service can be restored.
· Traffic signals are prioritized by geographic regions at county and city request. Traffic signals belong to the city, county or state and often must be repaired or replaced by their crews before IPL can re-energize lines that power them.
· Repair of street lights and final clean up survey.
Who does IPL consider "essential customers" and why do they get a high priority during service restoration?
IPL gives its highest priority to the following customers or essential services groups who provide for community health and safety. As much as possible, and depending on factors occasionally beyond IPL's control, all receive equal priority attention:
IPL gives its highest priority to the following customers or essential services groups who provide for community health and safety. As much as possible, and depending on factors occasionally beyond IPL's control, all receive equal priority attention:
· Communications, including police radios for city, county and state; federal radio communications and broadcasting transmitters; local television and radio stations; daily newspapers.
· Telephone and telegraph.
· Gas supply utilities (manufacturing plants).
· Hospitals (surgical) and blood banks.
· Public service facilities, Red Cross, city halls, court houses, garbage disposal facilities incinerators, health departments and U.S. weather bureaus.
· Designated sewage pump and disposal plants (sanitary & storm).
· Water supply utilities and fire pumps.
· Transportation services, including air transportation facilities, bridges (electrically operated), bus service shops, railroad shops, signal systems and water towers, and metro rail transit systems.
Why do my neighbors across the street continue to have power when my power is out?
Often different sides of the street are supplied power from separate connections off the mainline circuit. If a problem occurs with one of those connections those customers may lose power but people on another connection may still have power.
Why did an IPL truck drive by and not stop to restore my power?
It is likely that the cause of your outage has been identified and the crew has been directed to proceed to the cause location to make repairs. If the IPL crew finds that this location is not the primary or only cause of your outage, they will work their way back through the circuit to identify additional repair needs. Also, restoring power outages caused by storms starts with an assessment phase. During this phase, IPL assigns specialists to travel around the city to find the causes behind outages. These findings are then reported though our Outage Management System so that crews, equipment and supplies can be dispatched correctly the first time to restore power as quickly as possible.
Why does my power blink on and off?
Momentary outages (power off for less than a second) occur when IPL's fuses and circuit breakers detect a disturbance on the line and open the circuit to briefly interrupt the flow of electricity. These interruptions are a way our equipment protects itself and often help avoid extended power outages. Removing the power, even for a brief period, allows tree limbs or other items touching the line to break free. For more information, see Solving Power Quality Problems.
Why is it necessary to prune my trees?
Misplaced or improperly maintained trees often cause power outages during severe weather and can be dangerous when branches come in contact with power lines. IPL has a comprehensive tree-pruning, line-clearing program to prevent trees coming in contact with power lines. For more information, see Trees & Electricity.
Are IPL employees/field personnel licensed electricians, and can they inspect my service, if needed?
IPL field personnel are not licensed electricians. An inspection is required to alert IPL's personnel it is safe to restore your electricity. IPL adheres to the State guidelines when connecting electric service. For more information, see
Often different sides of the street are supplied power from separate connections off the mainline circuit. If a problem occurs with one of those connections those customers may lose power but people on another connection may still have power.
Why did an IPL truck drive by and not stop to restore my power?
It is likely that the cause of your outage has been identified and the crew has been directed to proceed to the cause location to make repairs. If the IPL crew finds that this location is not the primary or only cause of your outage, they will work their way back through the circuit to identify additional repair needs. Also, restoring power outages caused by storms starts with an assessment phase. During this phase, IPL assigns specialists to travel around the city to find the causes behind outages. These findings are then reported though our Outage Management System so that crews, equipment and supplies can be dispatched correctly the first time to restore power as quickly as possible.
Why does my power blink on and off?
Momentary outages (power off for less than a second) occur when IPL's fuses and circuit breakers detect a disturbance on the line and open the circuit to briefly interrupt the flow of electricity. These interruptions are a way our equipment protects itself and often help avoid extended power outages. Removing the power, even for a brief period, allows tree limbs or other items touching the line to break free. For more information, see Solving Power Quality Problems.
Why is it necessary to prune my trees?
Misplaced or improperly maintained trees often cause power outages during severe weather and can be dangerous when branches come in contact with power lines. IPL has a comprehensive tree-pruning, line-clearing program to prevent trees coming in contact with power lines. For more information, see Trees & Electricity.
Are IPL employees/field personnel licensed electricians, and can they inspect my service, if needed?
IPL field personnel are not licensed electricians. An inspection is required to alert IPL's personnel it is safe to restore your electricity. IPL adheres to the State guidelines when connecting electric service. For more information, see
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