Friday, July 13, 2012

Meeting minutes

Here is a recap of last nights meeting.
National Night Out/ Block Party.......August 7th 6pm-8pm.. Please email if you can attend and possibly meet new neighbors. Also include if you are bringing some type of food. Roxy can you set up getting some barricades.
Adopt-A-Block clean up dates. We will revisit it in August and set some dates in Sept. or Oct.
We had talked about a neighborhood sale during the Farmers market and with the weather should move it to one date. The 2nd Sunday in October, which will be the last Farmers Market we will have a Pleasanton Neighborhood Sale.
Talked about Signage for the neighborhood. If we could collect roughly $600-800 dollars we can outfit the entire neighborhood with a Historic Sign that we can be proud of. We will try to get three to pick from and see which one we as a neighborhood will go with. Please submit any ideas and or designs that we could use.
We talked about the Greenway and the clean up and clearing of the unsightly trees and bushes. Problem is that when they cleared they didn't totally clean up all the branches and such. Barb Baird has a nice written letter to the Mayors Action Center to get this area in our neighborhood cleaned up. She also has a petition to sign to further influnce the city to clean up after themselves.
Of note. The residents at 5136 Pleasant Run N. Dr had a fire at their property, please keep them in your prayers and thoughts. I would like to see if anyone is willing to help our neighbors. If they are not on the email list or if you have their info please let me know and I will try and find out if they need anything. I think that being a good neighbor is helping out one another and would like someone to do the same for me and my family.
Dan Marshall
5141 Maple

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Meeting tonight

Neighborhood meeting tonight at Emerson Ave Baptist Church. 7pm
See you there