Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fw: News From the Historic Irvington Community Council

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News from the
Historic Irvington Community Council
Dear Neighbors,
We have been asked to share this information with you to help support House Bill 1111 - the Historic Tax Credit Bill.  Please consider offering support by contacting the Senate Appropriations Committee.

HB 1111 - Historic Tax Credit Bill

Last week at the annual HUNI meeting, we were asked to get our neighbors in the historic districts to email their senators and (more importantly at this time) to the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee to urge them to support HB1111 (the historic tax credit bill ) by assuring that it is passed out of the Senate Appropriates Committee so that it can be heard by the full Senate.  The last chance for that to happen is Thursday, so please act fast!
The members of the Senate Appropriations Committee are: Luke Kenley (Chair), Ed Charbonneau, Phil Boots, Brandt Hershman, Connie Lawson, Patricia Miller, Ryan Mishler, Brant Waltz, and Thomas Wyss.  Their email addresses can be accessed at http://www.in.gov/bin/gegislative/listing/listing-2.pl?data-district&chamber-Senate  if you have trouble with this, just google Indiana General Assembly and click on the Senators. It will take to their email addresses.
The more emails that they receive; the greater the chance would be for positive action.  So get as many of your neighbors as possible to send an email.  Five emails from individuals would be better than one email from a neighborhood association.
If you want to give them reasons to pass this bill, here are a few:
Historic preservation creates revenue.
            For every dollar spent, it generates $3.
Historic preservation creates jobs:  Recentdata shows the following comparison:
In Delaware, $1 million spent of the rehabilitation of a historic structure means 14.6 jobs, in comparison to 11.2 job in new construction and 9.2 jobs in manufacturing for the same $1million.
In Georgia, $1 million per industry creates 16.1 jobs in historic preservation compared to 14.9 in new construction, 10.4 in poultry processing, 8.7 in air transportation, 4.0 in computer manufacturing and 3.5 in automobile manufacturing
Indiana data would show the same reality of more jobs than even manufacturing or agriculture. Preservation creates jobs!
Many of these Senators are from small communities and need to understand that historic preservation does not benefit just large cities: 
Small and medium sized communities would benefit from the state tax credit where there isn't a strong real estate market.  It provides an offsetting benefit to encourage investment in reusing existing structures.
Thanks for your help with this action.  We have one of the lowest historic preservation tax credits in the country. This bill will benefit preservation in Indiana significantly if we can get it passed. 
Irvington Community Council | P O Box 19721 | Indianapolis | IN | 46219

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